Having Sex Makes You Smarter, According to This Study - Epatcart

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Having Sex Makes You Smarter, According to This Study


Finally, a Reason Why Having Sex is Good for You

A recent psychological study, done by researchers at the University of the Oxford and the University of Coventry in the UK, just proved that doing the deed does a lot more than get your body moving, but also makes you smarter as you get older! 
The research studied 73 participants aged between 50 and 83 years old with sexual activity levels ranging between daily, monthly, and total abstinence. 
Once they were categorized based on their sex lives, each group was then asked to perform a series of mental and cognitive tasks to test their brain function. The activities targeted attention, language skills, visual-spatial abilities, fluency, and memory strength. 

More Sex = Better Brains!

The result of the study was entirely conclusive, with results in favor of those who had sex at least once a week! According to the research, which was published in "The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological and Social Sciences Performing", they were considerably better in activities that tested cognitive functions, especially those that tested verbal and visual skills. 

Possible Explanation? 

Sex increases the neurotransmitter your brain releases when you're happy, in love, lustful, or addicted,. It's no surprise that the more sex you have, the more is released into your bloodstream. This elevated level of this neurotransmitter has been proven to be a culprit of many vital brain functions including memory improvement and motor skills. It also keeps your brain more engaged, which can help prevent memory loss and brain-debilitating diseases like Alzheimer's. Do yourself a favor and get busy! For scientific reasons, of course...  

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