A Family Bought a Cute Dog, But When the Vet Saw Him, He Contacted the Police - Epatcart

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A Family Bought a Cute Dog, But When the Vet Saw Him, He Contacted the Police



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Su Yun lives in Yunnan Province found in China alongside her family. For a while, they’d been considering getting a dog as a pet. While they were out on vacation, they spotted a cute puppy that was on sale. The person who was selling them did not have a lot to choose from since they all looked similar to each other. That was at first, until they suddenly noticed a tiny puppy that somehow resembled a stuffed animal. The entire family instantly fell deeply in love with the pup. Since those very cute eyes he had were already melting their hearts, they decided to buy the puppy.

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Questioning race

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The moment they asked the seller of the dog about its breed, they were told he was a Tibetan Mastiff. After they brought it home, they started noticing that their new dog had certain properties. For you to fully understand this particular story, you have to put into consideration various aspects of tis breed which is actually quite special. In case you did not know, the Tibetan Mastiff is not your everyday dog and because of this quality, the family found some of the dog’s actions mysterious.

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This breed’s characteristics

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The Tibetan Mastiff, is a member of the Mastiff dog family. They, aside from the English Mastiff, are among the largest dogs you can find in the world. A male one can grow up until 83cm tall. The larger the dog the more hair it will have. As a furry dog owner, you probably already know what to expect when your dog has been playing indoors all day.

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Its large size could be a source of worry

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In general, dogs will shed then renew their coats all through the year. If you feel compelled to invest in professional equipment for cleaning your house just to keep it in order when you have a Tibetan Mastiff, no worries. You do not necessarily have to. This dog breed is quite unique. While others are always renewing their coats all throughout the year, this breed only does so once a year. No wonder Su Yun’s family loved the idea of having this breed.

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But there was still an issue

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A dog usually needs enough space to just play around. However, for a Tibetan Mastiff, having it around other smaller dogs might be a little worrying because of its size, and that’s not even the only problem. This breed is not just huge but it can also be very stubborn. When the dog wants to play with other dogs, you as the owner will really have to make sure it gets along very well with the rest of the other dogs. Come to think of it, this is something that apples to every other dog. That said, Su Yun was certain this particular dog would get along just fine with others.

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It may however not always be the case …

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Every dog breed needs to get used to the environment it’s placed in so it is advisable to teach them as much as possible as early as possible so that it learns to live in harmony. In case the dog is stubborn, this can be a rather difficult process. However, Su Yun and the rest of her family already knew that with love and education, they would have a wonderful experience with their new beloved pet and had every intention to give the pet a great life.

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Making a decision

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After taking into consideration all these factors, they had to make a final decision. They decided to get this Tibetan Mastiff Puppy. Everyone was in agreement that this was the pet they needed in their lives. The puppy also fell in love with the entire family so they took him home.

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That said, things would begin to change radically

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It was the start of a very exciting time for Su Yun and her entire family. They finally had a cute dog and since his fur was getting thicker, it always felt very nice to hug him. That said, there is always something very important you need to keep in mind when you get a dog and fortunately, Su Yun’s entire family was aware of this detail.

They all noticed that the dog was quite hungry most of the time. He would eat two pasta servings and a full box of fruit each day. The dog would also eat all kinds of food. They understood that it was quite normal for dogs to have a big appetite but they had never seen any that ate like theirs did and all at once.

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Then the dog would start making peculiar noises

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The family decided to name their dog and gave him a name that’s perfect for his cuteness and the fact that he really loved to eat. They called him Negrito. Soon, they started realizing that he barked very differently. He always sounded like he was screaming and because of this, they started to ask questions. That said, they still kept in mind that they were dealing with a special kind of do after all so instead of worrying too much, they figured they would just continue loving their cute little pet.

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Did an amazing thing

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The family was in disbelief at what they actually witnessed. This dog could actually stand up, something they had never seen before. They hadn’t taught him to do this and they thought it’s highly likely that he learnt how to do this by himself or that he simply had this in his blood. They just thought it was another one of Negrito’s special characteristics.

Negrito was still eating quite a lot of food and because of this, he was growing very fast. When he turned two years old, he was already around a good meter in height and his weight stood at 110 kilograms. It was at this point that the owners started wondering if everything was alright with him. Surely, no dog in the world could grow that tall so fast.

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A troubling discovery

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It wasn’t just the dog’s height and weight that were rapidly increasing, but his teeth too. In fact, they had started to look like those of a predator. This got the family all worried because in any case, it’s one thing to raise a pet and another to put your lives at risk.

The family therefore decided to take the dog to a vet. Fortunately, right when he saw the dog, he already knew what was up and made an immediate call to the Yiliang County Public Security Bureau. He notified them that the dog was able to eat up two pasta cubes and an entire fruit box daily. He also told them about the dog’s standing ability and his big teeth.

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There was a particular reason for all of this!

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The dog that was at this point all grown, a whole giant turned out to be different from what they thought. He was actually an Asiatic black bear. Turns out their pet was actually a Tibetan bear, also known as a moon bear or a collared bear. It’s actually an endangered species according to the World Conservation Union. They are at risk of extinction because several people like to capture them because of their bile. The authorities took the animal in with open arms and we sure hope he is currently alright.

While it’s not common that your pet will end up being a bear, animals can actually give you other different surprises.

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Other pets that ended up being wild animals …

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We’ve all grown up being told that dog is truly man’s best friend. Dogs are all cuddly and adorable, but unfortunately not all dog owners are kind. As a result, you will often come across dogs that have been mercilessly abandoned on the street. In some cases, others will gladly adopt them, but what happens when they end up being other different animals like in the previous story?

There exist certain wild animals that highly resemble dogs and as such, people often mistake them for such. However, what do their host families end up doing the moment they realize that what they have is actually a leopard and not a kitten for example?

The following real cases will shock you.

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They believed it was just a stray dog ​​… but it was actually a Coyote!

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Sharon Bertozzi, is a California resident. She starred in another one of such stories whereby the dog turned out to be a different animal from what she initially thought. She found it straying around and it was sick so being kind hearted, she thought it best to take the animal in. She immediately called for someone from the local animal shelter to come help her out with her new pet, what she believed was a dog. It turned out that this was actually a coyote and not a dog. The animal was therefore taken to a reserve where it belonged in the first place. There it was to receive proper care so that it gets back its great health.

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She thought they were Belgian shepherds … but they turned out to be jackals!

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Appearances can at times be deceiving. This is especially the case when it comes to wild dogs. In Croatia, a certain shelter was so happy to have rescued a box of puppies that very much resembled German Shepherds. The moment they grew up they started displaying certain odd habits.

When they examined the dogs closely, they realized that they were actually keeping jackals. It was unfortunate for the jackals that they had grown too used to being around human beings that they could no longer be taken to the wild. They therefore ended up under the care of one of the shelter employees who was of course granted permission to keep them. These pets really enjoyed domestic life now.

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This family thought they were just kittens … but they turned out to be bobcats!

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It’s not just with dogs that people have made such mistakes. This nice Texas family brought home two kittens that looked so adorable. They were just cute enough not too much. They often bit compared to other normal cats and also did this very hard.

As a result, the family decided it was best if they carried out some research on the cats, only to realize that as much as they were cats, they would grow into lynxes. When they discovered this, they had the kittens taken in by a reserve.

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He thought it was a Japanese Spitz … but it turned out to be a tame fox!

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Most of the time, cases of such confusion happen when you were trying to rescue the animal in the first place. However, for Ms. Wang, things were different. She went to a pet store and decided to buy a Japanese Spitz puppy. At least that’s what she was told it was while she was there.

After watching the very strange habit the dog had, Ms. Wang thought it best to take her pet to an expert. The expert at Taiyuan Zoo informed Ms. Wang that what she had was a fox, a domesticated one. She decided to deliver it to the zoo so that it can be properly taken care of.

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They thought they had a German shepherd … but it turned out to be a gray wolf!

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The start of this particular story is in a way sad but the ending is a good one because the dog ended up in a great animal shelter located in San Antonio. When the owner first submitted the dog, he claimed it was becoming too big for him to handle.

A DNA test was therefore conducted on him and it was discovered that 90% of the genes in the animal were those of a gray wolf. Luckily, members of the Shy Wolf Sanctuary showed up and picked the wolf. They took the animal to the shelter.

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Its owner thought it was a Poodle … but it turned out to be a ferret!

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It’s always very easy to recognize poodles making it very hard to mistake one for another animal. That said, it is unfortunate that so many people actually mistook some ferrets for poodles in the South American country of Argentina.

An Argentine citizen gave some ferrets some steroid injections, something that made them look a lot like poodle puppies. He then sold the ferrets for a lot of money, amounting to hundreds of dollars. The new owners were extremely shocked to discover that what they thought were purebred poodles were completely different. They were ferrets.

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I thought it was a stray cat … but it turned out to be a baby fox!

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In another incident, a family actually thought they adopted a cat. Martine Vos was a volunteer at a Belgian cat shelter. On a certain day, she was called and asked to pick up one of the stray cats they found. When the cat was lifted, it was heavier than other cats. It felt very different. When the cat was examined by an expert, it was discovered that it was actually a baby fox.

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He thought he had saved two wild cats … but they turned out to be snow leopards!

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Zhang Peiwei is a Chinese shepherd who decided to bring two kittens into his home. The two just kept growing and growing. Turned out they were actually not kittens but snow leopards.

Fortunately for Zhang, he managed to get the permission needed to raise the two animals by himself, but under supervision. The animal rescue and recovery unit of his village oversees this so that he remains safe with them and keeps them in safe conditions as well.

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I thought I had saved a hamster … but it turned out to be a Lemming from Norway!

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From the looks of things, you can easily get confused and be mistaken when it comes to dogs and cats, but can this happen with hamsters? A father from Norway was certain that what he had rescued was a hamster. He had seen the hamster crossing the street and even wanted to help the hamster find his family.

When he took the hamster to a pet store, he was told that the animal was not what he thought it was, but was instead a Norwegian Lemming which is a wild rodent. It was returned to the wild not too long after.

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A citizen of New York thought he had seen a tiger … but it turned out to be a huge raccoon!

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This one happened in New York City. Looks like one can also mistake a rat for a raccoon. Well, subway rats can truly look really big and get larger with time. However, can you imagine mistaking a raccoon for an actual tiger?

Well, it happened with the person who saw it best to call the NYPD. According to his report, there was a tiger on the loose right in the Big Apple, on the streets of Harlem. Turns out it was just a big raccoon, nothing to be stressed about.

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Another raccoon

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Still on raccoons, this case happened at Hampton, Virginia. Someone made a call to the animal rescue and recovery unit saying they had spotted around three cubs that had been abandoned. They immediately rushed to the area and after investigating, they were shocked to discover that the animals were not dog puppies. They were actually baby raccoons.

The experts took them to the recovery shelter, after which they released them to the field.

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Confusing cats with dogs

Family Buys Dog, but When the Vet Sees Him, They Call the Police

In some cases, people will mistake cats for dogs. This is especially the case when a cat such as this one has hairs looking unrulier than ever. The cat can look so big you’d think it’s a dog.

Snookie is a Persian cat. It is from Canada and suffers from a condition that’s rather rare. It causes Snookie’s nails, hair and whiskers to grow more than the average cat’s. As a result, several people often mistake the cat for a Shih Tzu puppy.

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More confusion

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There was another very interesting animal confusion that took place in Connecticut. A certain old woman took her cat out at night but then she ended up letting him in the moment she heard him scratching the door.

At first, everything looked alright but when she bent to pick up the cat, turns out it was actually a wild raccoon that she had let into her house. It even bit the woman a number of times but it did not hurt her.

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An advertisement like any other

Family Buys Dog, but When the Vet Sees Him, They Call the Police

In Arizona, an ad was placed for anyone who wanted a puppy and a man responded to it. He brought the adorable puppy home since he had fallen in love with it right away. At first, he hadn’t noticed that the puppy would avoid eye contact often. It also wasn’t a fan of dog treats like others would be.

Interestingly, Neo, the puppy was intelligent and strong enough to dig places. He dug under the fence in the courtyard. It was then that a neighbor complained saying the dog had broken into his house. This is when he realized that Neo was a wolf and not a dog. The then took him to the Wolf Connection shrine.

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A cute pet?

Family Buys Dog, but When the Vet Sees Him, They Call the Police

While in most cases we think we have a pet only for it to turn out to be a wild animal, it could go the other way round. In Norfolk, Virginia, residents were terrified when they saw what they thought was a lion walking on the streets.

While some thought it was a young lion, others were convinced it was just a very huge dog. Somehow, they were right. What was roaming around was a Labradoodle called Charlie. A Labradoodle is a dog, a mongrel one that features a mane.

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Trying to help

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Florencia Lobo thought she’d rescued two abandoned kittens from the streets. Since she was kind-hearted, she welcomed the two into her home. Unfortunately, only one of the two made it and she decided she would just adopt the other one.

The moment she paid a visit to the vet, she found out that what she had was not a cat, rather, a yagouaroundi cougar. She had named it Tito. Florencia then had to hand Tito over to the Fundacion Argentina de Rescate de Animales before it was taken back to nature where it truly belonged.

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Dogs and bears

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For sure certain animals resemble other animal species naturally. Baby leopards for example look like badgers and well, some dogs look more like bears. It is therefore easy to understand why anyone would confuse them.

Below are a few dogs that are in most cases mistaken for bears.

First, there’s the puppy that’s a result of a cross between German Shepherds Arkitas and corgis. These ones usually resemble cubs. Since it has small pointed ears and cheeks as well as dark colors, one could easily think this dog is the cub of a black bear, just that it barks.

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Too hairy

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The Alaskan Malamute puppy is another one that looks a lot like a cub. However, as this puppy grows, it starts to look a lot like a wolf. When this breed is a little younger, it will usually have so much fluff and huge legs. You would think it will turn into one majestic bear. However, it is really just a playful dog.

Tibetan Mastiffs, are also easily mistaken for bears because of just how large they are. When they are still young, the resemblance is even more unbelievable. This is because they are so fluffy. The dogs are plump at a young age and also stocky, with so many of a cub’s characteristics. Honestly, it could easily pass for a bear at just about any age.

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Chinese chow chow

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Perhaps this one is the most bear-looking dog you can find. The Chinese Chow Chow will for most of its entire life resemble a bear, especially the darker puppies. This is because of their fluffy faces.

Truthfully, we will continue to have cases of people confusing some animals for others. This could be funny in some cases but dangerous in others. We can only conclude by saying the most important thing is that you look after the animals that you end up living with properly and at the end of the day, they end up where they rightfully belong. This could be either at home or in the wild.


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