Push Headache and Migraine Pain Away - Epatcart

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Push Headache and Migraine Pain Away


No one wishes to suffer from a bad headache or migraine. The effect it can have on your well being is often quite devastating. Those who suffer from frequent migraines and headaches find that their quality of life can be diminished. It’s a difficult feeling when you're unable to do the things you normally do because of a bad headache.
Migraines are especially difficult. They can strike some people repeatedly and last for many hours if not days. During those times, almost any sensory input can be very damaging and very painful for the sufferer.
Push Headache and Migraine Pain Away

Causes and Types of Headaches and Migraines

The causes of headaches are often as varied as the people who get them. There are a lot of different types out there. Those discussed here are far from all of them. Most of these are described as primary headaches. This is when the pain structures of a brain are overactive.
These primary headaches include migraines, cluster headaches and tension headaches. Tension headaches are very common. There are also exercise induced headaches, sex induced headaches and cough induced headaches.
Other causes of headaches tend to come from lifestyle. People who struggle with sleep or don’t get enough will often get a headache as a result of it. Many foods can cause a headache to people, as can drinking alcohol. Stress is arguably the most common cause from lifestyle. The amount of stress that the average adult has to deal with is quite high and not everyone deals with it very well.
Finally there are what is known as secondary headaches. These come from another type of medical condition that is causing the headache by activating nerves in the head. The number of things that can cause a secondary headache are seemingly infinite. Examples include dental issues, a concussion or having sinus congestion.

Symptoms of Migraines

Push Headache and Migraine Pain Away

When it comes to the symptoms of a headache, that’s basically it. You have dull or sharp head pain. Occasionally there’s also some throbbing muscles in the neck and shoulders too. It’s painful and it’s annoying.
Symptoms are more interesting when it comes to migraines. This is because people can often feel the symptoms ahead of time and know that one is coming on. It gives them a limited amount of time to prepare for the onset. Here are those symptoms:
  • Constipation - It’s uncomfortable.
  • Mood Swings - Typically these will range all the way from depression to an elated euphoria.
  • Increased Urination - This is accompanied by a frequent thirst as well.
  • Neck Pain and Stiffness - Before a migraine, many people may feel like they need a massage.
  • Cravings - Before a migraine, many people might have unexpected cravings for food.
  • Nausea and vomiting - Once the attack has begun, many people feel the urge to be physically ill.
  • Sensory Sensitivity - People often struggle with light and loud noises. They cause a lot of extra pain.
  • Lightheadedness - Some people may feel faint in addition to their headache pain.
A final symptom that is more rare is called “Aura”. Aura is rather interesting. It can actually occur before the migraine or during it. They tend to affect both a person’s sensory input and their motor skills. When someone is undergoing aura, they will often see visual things that aren’t there. This includes things like bright lights, flashes, weird shapes and an oasis type of effect. Some people lose their vision or their ability to hear or speak. Aura can be severe, but is thankfully rare for migraine sufferers.

Treating Your Headaches and Migraines

Push Headache and Migraine Pain Away

When it comes to headaches, typically people will take pain relievers. These over the counter drugs are known to everyone and incredibly common. For more severe pain, a doctor may choose to prescribe a more potent form of these pain killers.
When it comes to migraines, there are more options. In addition to pain relieving medications, there are also preventative medications. These are taken daily as an effort to reduce the number and severity of migraines that the sufferer deals with. For people with severe migraines, it’s possible that a doctor will prescribe both of these types of medications. The type of medication will often depend on the individual causes of migraines. Each person’s doctor will know them best and be able to assist them in determining their course of action.


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